Tuesday, October 16, 2012

BGC#19 - Back to School

 Hello everyone!
Hope you're having a great day and thanks so much to all of you who played along with us this past week :)
All of the entries are AMAZING!

Now, it is time for our newest challenge BGC#19 - Back to School

So, you just need to make a CARD or LAYOUT using the theme SCHOOL!

and this week our generous sponsor is Crafters corner.

The winner gets a Voucher worth Rs 500  from our sponsor !! 
SO yummy !!!

And now, time for our inspiration parade starts from our Guest Designer.

Guest Designer - Zubmomi 
 Look at this gorgeous creation! Very beautiful and eye-catching, 
really perfect for a school day theme.
By the way, Zubmomi is the quickest designer submitted her GD card to us in such a rush.
Thank you for this lovely inspiration :)

 Another great creation from Pooja :) I'm falling in love for the first time I see this card.
So bright and it really gives a bright inspiration!

Now isnt that wonderful ? such a nice paper with numbers and the way niru has created the BG with 
hint of colors it really brings out the picture ! Really fresh and beautiful !
 I try to make a card with a bookmark using pink theme. Hope you like it!

(Is healing) 
Get well soon romina :)

Hope you all enjoyed our creations and join us in this challenge :)

Big hugs,


  1. hey Melissa I made two cards for my son on teachers day.. can I enetr them in this challenge?

    1. hi bhavna ,
      If your card is published on your blog after today you sure can submit it ! :)

  2. Thanks for your suggestions on my blog pooja.


Thankyou!! Appreciate your comments!